This week's conversation centered mostly on salvation. The question that I brought fourth is how does a Christian really know they are saved?
The Bible tells us salvation requires only two simple things: "[1]That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and [2]believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9) But this sounds easier than it really is, at least for me. What does it really mean to "believe with your heart?" In other words, how can you be sure believe something from the core of your being vs. being book-smart, and knowing all of the facts about something? If we really believe, shouldn't we be able to "move mountains," and perform miracles just as Jesus did? But I've never healed anyone, cast out demons, or raised someone from the dead, much less moved a mountain (at least not that I've seen). So how can I be sure I believe? Also, I don't feel that my faith has really been put to the test. Thank God, I've lived a blessed life, and I haven't yet been put in a situation where all other factors have been stripped away, and I had to rely solely on my faith to get me through. So again, how can I be sure I even have it?
In our meeting we discussed what it means to believe and be saved. John mentioned that even Satan believed in Jesus, so it seems it's not your belief by itself that will save you. If we know and confesses that God exists but we don't love him, we are missing the point altogether. We need to love God. After all the first and greatest commandment is to "love the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul." The question was posed "how do you know you love your boyfriend? Your mother? A friend?" If we love someone, we are going to show it outwardly, we are going to act like we do. If I love my friend I will respect her, and I'm probably going to do the things she asks me to do (and be happy to help her)! I'm also going to make an effort to work on that relationship, because no relationship is perfect. There will be ups and downs, and if there is love, there will be forgiveness, honesty and trust. Our loving relationship with God should be no different. We should be happy to do the things He asks us to do, and we should be continually communicating and working on our relationship with Him. We should be honest, and be trusting of one another.
So one good way to know if we really believe is to look at the way we act. If we love God, it should come as second nature to follow his instructions, and to seek him out. Are we thirsty for his guidance and teaching? Are we desperate for a closer relationship and walk with him? And while the evidence of fruit in our lives isn't proof of salvation, it is a good indicator of whether or not the Spirit is dwelling in us. Are we loving our neighbors as ourselves? Are we producing the fruits of the spirit such as love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control?
We also had a brief discussion on "Romans Road." This is a collection of verses Romans, that will help a Christian understand what it means to be saved. It expands on the two simple requirements given in Romans 10:9 mentioned earlier. Romans road begins with Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
In other words, we all have sin in our hearts, and were born under sin's control.
--So step 1 is to be able to admit that you are a sinner.
Next is Romans 6:23A "...The wages of sin is death..."
This means that sin has an ending, always resulting in death. We all face physical death, which is a result of our fallen nature. But a worse death is spiritual death that alienates us from God, and will last for all eternity. The Bible teaches that there is a place called the Lake of Fire where lost people will be in torment forever. It is the place where people who are spiritually dead will remain.
--So step 2 is understanding that we all deserve death for our sin.
Next is Romans 6:23B "...But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
We learn that salvation is a free gift from God to you! There's nothing you can do to earn this gift, but you must reach out and receive it.
--So step 3 is ask God to forgive you and save you.
Then comes Romans 5:8, "God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us!"
Here we see that when Jesus died on the cross He paid sin's penalty. When He took all the sins of the world on Himself on the cross, He bought us out of slavery to sin and death! The only condition is that we believe in Him and what He has done for us, understanding that we are now joined with Him, and that He is our life. He did all this because He loved us and gave Himself for us!
--So step 4 is to give your life to God... His love poured out in Jesus on the cross is your only hope to have forgiveness and change. His love bought you out of being a slave to sin, His love is what you have to accept in order to have the benefits of everlasting life with him. God loves you! So it's only natural that we should love him back by giving up our lives to him!
Next is Romans 10:13 "Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved!"
We can't rely on our own efforts to get us through life, we must rely on the Lord. He knows everything, He's our loving Father and wants what's best for us. Therefore it just makes sense to ask him to guide us rather than blindly leading ourselves.
--So we see that step 5 is to rely on and pray to God in Jesus' name.
Finally we have Romans 10:9,10 "...If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation." As discussed before, it is of utmost importance that we not only believe that Christ died for our sins, was resurrected and still lives in heaven, but we MUST profess this with our mouths! If we truly believe that Jesus' blood is life giving and represents his love for us, then we need to share it with others!
--So step 6 is if you feel God knocking on your heart's door, invite him in and let him dwell in you. Accept his gift to you! Cherish your relationship and tell others about what he's done! Our salvation is secured.
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