Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Isaiah and beyond

Discussion: Book of Isaiah
Lots of prophases about current times and end times and meshes them together. How their is a lack of chronology that in Isaiah chronology was not the focus.

Revisionists would say that Isaiah was three different collections. Traditionalists would disagree. It is suggested that Isaiah may have put these together at the end of his life as he probably had a scribe that chronicled his works over his life and they were collected and recorded as a cohesive work.

Passage discussion: Isaha 20:1 2 at that time the LORD spoke through Isaiah son of Amoz. He said to him, "Take off the sackcloth from your body and the sandals from your feet." And he did so, going around stripped and barefoot.

- Prince of peace VS I have not come to bring peace but to set one family member against another discussion. Peace and turmoil in creation.

- Isaiah's prophesy about the future of king Cyrus
- Cyrus's Cylinder was discussed releases the nation of Israel from Babylonian captivity.

- Dead Sea scrolls giving us a measure of the faithfulness of recording of the book of Isaiah.

- The book of Isaiah meant to be read 200 years after his death as the fruition of many prophecies would be realized.

Chronology of the Koran was discussed and reference to the Hadith. Hadith being the sayings and traditions of Mohammad.
Discussion: of Ancient land masses and their religions, leaders, and influences.
- Diocletian (nasty dude)
- Constantine
- Alexander
- Mohammad
- Miller Lights? err Millerites
Discussion: about Prophases:
How often they are relevant for the times and the future. They can be recognized at the time as a prophesy or may not be recognized till their future relevance comes forth.

Some discussion of the Revelation, and apocryphal prophesies.
- Prosecution of the church from many different angles

Egypt -> Egyptians -> Romans -> Ottoman Empire

What happens to Hosea's wife? The prostitute.
Discussion: about the Christian life, carrying your cross, being a disciple. Making his will your will.
- Witnessing stories.
- Suffering the persecutions because we know what the prize is.
Discussion: A seeming discrepancy of the 4 gospels regarding the chronology of the recruitment of the disciples. Andy resolves this question.
Discussion: Peters Letters: His letters are written in very bad greek.
He was rough but had a great heart and was a rock. Wow how he polished up!

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