Thursday, April 25, 2013

Why did God make...?

Stink Bugs, Scorpions, Mosquitoes, Tasmanian Devils, Ticks, Brown Recluse Spiders? Why?

I imagine some angel committee made these while God was on vacation. Probably the same bunch that got kicked out later on.

Sung to the tune of
 "All things bright and beautiful"

All Things dull and hideous
All creatures short and squat
All things rude and smarmy
The Lord God made the lot

Each little snake that poisons
Each little wasp that stings
He made them vicious venom
He made their horrid wings.

Each nasty little hornet
Each beastly little squid
Who made the spikey urchin
Who made the shark? He did


  1. What's wrong with Tasmanian devils? They're kind of cute!

    1. They are the only creature on earth that can beat out a skunk where odor is concerned. In fact in the odor department on animal planet they are the #1 most offensive to humans. Other than that (from a distance) they are sort of cute, kinda half dog half pig.

    2. Re. Liz: Only in the Cartoons Babe.
      Re. James: With Teeth... Lots and lots of Teeth... and Attitude.

    3. I have also heard it said that in the Beginning, All Things were Perfect. Further it is said, that because of Adam, all things were Subjected to Futility. What a World Where the LORD Walks. NO DEATH, NO SORROW, NO FEAR. No Need for claws or poison. What a Sadness to Ruin such a Place.

  2. Max was in the river this morning so he's smelling mighty offensive- today he might be worse than a Tasmanian Devil.

    Psalm 104 somewhat answers this riddle (why God made vile critters- not who wins in a Max vs. TD stench-off). It's a beautiful psalm that praises God for His mightiness as seen in His works, including darkness, beasts that prowl in the dark, young lions roaring after prey, and Leviathan/sea monsters. The psalmist's point is that it's God's world, and He made stuff because he wanted to, "There is the sea, great and broad, in which are swarms without number, animals both small and great. There the ships move along and Leviathan, which Thou hast formed to sport in it."

    All of this is great until I remember parasitic wasps laying eggs in living hosts and those horrid birds that, as fledglings, bully each other to death in the nest until only one survives. The circle of life sucks, and I believe that it was not Plan A. Is this an intellectual dodge? I can see God's majesty in giant squid and rats, but parasitic wasp larva make me puke.

    Not unlike Max today, who was formed to sport in the Potomac and will be known as "Leviathan."

    1. I will write animal planet and have them upgrade their smell scale to include "Maxamillion the offender". AKA the "Leviathan Stinkwaddels".

  3. God is omniscient. He knew from the beginning of our eventual fall. He knew of our separation from him. All of his creation speaks of his existence and is filled with communication. It is the nature of God in us and our kinship with him that causes us to reject the parasite and the bully in nature. Likewise we find fault with the bully and the parasite in our society. It is the rejection of God and his values that turns us into human extensions of the very things that we inherently loath in God's wondrous work. Why do you hate the parasite? because the God stuff that he breathed into us rejects it. Why did God put the parasite here? So that we could see an image of the true ugliness and destructiveness of what we become when we reject him and his truths.

    Finally, why did God allow Max...? To prove to man that through the breeding process man can even completely screw up what God meant in the beginning to be a dog.

  4. Romans 20-23 supports you Ron. I hate the idea of creatures and people being made to suffer, but God is just and good (and His ways are not out ways, yadda yadda); by faith I am comforted that all is within His hands and for His glory. Tough to do without faith.
    As for Max, he is proof that God is greater than man. God created dogs, and gave man free will- with which, as you noted, he made these wonderful animals sickly and unable to support themselves, stripping away their ability to respond even to their instincts. It's like the inverse of free will. Every time I hear someone rant about how God is screwed up and people have better moral understanding, I look at Max and shake my head.
