Sunday, May 19, 2013

How right to life are you?

I have tried to divide this between science on the top and religious and legal below.  If you have any thoughts on things that should be added or changed please make a post and I will update.

I figure I should answer this first.

If asked by my loved ones I would say: 2
If asked what government should enforce including rape or incest I would say: 4
If the mothers life was genuinely at risk I would say: 7 or 8 (At least try an emergency caesarean if you can.)

What do you think of the other numbers?


  1. I would like to revise my answer:

    Ephesians 1: 3, 4: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places with Christ Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love"

    so lets see if the earth formed somewhere between:
    3,750,000,000 ~ 1,750,000,000 Years Ago

    lets take the half way mark:

    2,750,000,000 years and say it was without form about then

    and multiply that by 52 to account for the number of weeks per year.

    = 143,000,000,000 weeks and the number system on the chart seems to be divided into approximately 4 week intervals
    so lets divide that by 4
    so that's approximately 35,750,000,000 units on our numbering system

    now go back in time on the number chart
    35,750,000,000 * -1

    I pick -35,750,000,010 as my new number

  2. To answer this Question I must point out that I'm Male; and therefore (Statistically) Unlikely to bear a child... therefore my Opinion is largely Moot. I am however drawn to point out Psalm 139 : 13 -16
    13 For You Created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb.
    14 I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your Works are Wonderful, I know that full well.
    15 My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the Secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
    16 Your Eyes saw my unformed body; all the Days Ordained for me were Written in Your Book before one of them came to be.
    If in no other place (and I am sure there are several) in the Bible (or the Owner's Manual as I like to think of it) this illustrates that our Days are Not our own. They Don't belong to Us... or our Parents... or the Courts. Our Days ( ALL of them ) Belong to GOD. Having said that, I am a man... just a man. I am born of Sorrows into a World of Sorrows, such that I am choked with the horror of it all. I see the torments of average people Every day. I read in the paper and see on the news about the Abominations people subject even Innocents to, with casual regularity. I cannot imagine what GOD must SEE. I do not wonder that GOD destroyed the world once, as much as how HE restrains HIMSELF from doing it now. Its into This World that Innocents are thrust Unknowing, Harmless and Defenseless. It breaks my Heart. Under (what we would call) the Best of Circumstances (Wealthy parents who love each other and the Child in a stable relationship and a happy home) in the Best place (the USA) at the Best time (the pinnacle of human technology)... life can (and Usually does) become a Nightmare. A Loved one sickens and / or dies, Loves are Lost... Sorrows come again and again and again. For those Not so lucky, life is (as Thomas Hobbes put it in Chapter 12 of his book Leviathan): " ... and the life of man, solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." Apart from the LOVE of GOD, life seems to me not only pointless but Cruel. With the LOVE of GOD, it is Something altogether different. I am still striving to See that difference. If you ask the natural man in me, what is the proper time to abort a human life, I would be tempted to say the merciful thing to do would be to abort them all as soon as possible. No chance of Hell. No Sorrows. Also (as the UnNatural man in me would point out, the flip side of the coin) No Chance to Know GOD and Serve HIM... to work out the Glory of GOD and Experience HIM in the Midst of Sorrows... to allow HIM to Overcome the Darkness of a Desperately Evil World. No Chance to have the LIVING GOD say to You, " Well done my Beloved Servant... Enter in to the Joy that I Prepared for You before the Foundations of Time. " In That Light (and ONLY That Light) should one deign to undertake the answer to your question. Clearly, I am not (yet) qualified to do so.
